Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Brand New Start

You can't go back and make a fresh start. All you can do is start new from now.

It's been a long time at my old location,  a long time out to pasture, and it was time for a move, for a new start. Sometimes you have to pick up and try again in a new place.

Many of you know me. I'm Sally. I live in a brokedown palace in a small neighborhood in a larger place. I share my home with cats and people, the people on the sidebar and the cats, well, I haven't caught good photos of the cats recently. We have deep roots here, so deep they are disrupting our lateral sewer line and something may need to be done about that.

We have neighbors with whom we share a life, sometimes easy, sometimes not. Our lives overlap and intersect all over the place.

We have a church. A beautiful old-world church filled with even more beautiful friends, neighbors, and relatives.

We have a school. Two, actually, but that's about to change to...two. More Euler diagrams.

We have extended families. Sisters and brothers close by, parents, cousins, aunts all intersecting our lives in different ways. Our circles extend a thousand miles away and also just around the corner, again and again.

I'm not easy to get along with. I'm working on that. I'm not very nice. Working on that a little less. But I am exactly what I appear to be, at all times. And that, I've learned, is often more valuable than nice. But I do try.

Right now London's at a girl scout meeting. Brooklyn is sitting on the couch with two cats, learning how to change her ringtones. Niles is down the road visiting a neighbor in a backyard that is both fun and nice. Ours is fun. Next door is nice. But a few houses down, those adjectives overlap.

Math, coffee, love; games, travel, family; God shows up sometimes and I use strong language on occasion. I like to spill my purse and let you sort through. At least a bit.

I've recently picked up roots from my 10 year old blog, packed it away for me to read later, and put it on the shelf.

So here I am, starting new.

It's good.